static UINT32 | OsReHookFuncAddDiskRef (StorageHookFunction handler, VOID *param) __attribute__((weakref("osReHookFuncAdd"))) |
static UINT32 | OsReHookFuncDelDiskRef (StorageHookFunction handler) __attribute__((weakref("osReHookFuncDel"))) |
UINT32 | GetFatBlockNums (VOID) |
VOID | SetFatBlockNums (UINT32 blockNums) |
UINT32 | GetFatSectorsPerBlock (VOID) |
VOID | SetFatSectorsPerBlock (UINT32 sectorsPerBlock) |
| 设置FAR每块扇区数 更多...
INT32 | los_alloc_diskid_byname (const CHAR *diskName) |
| 通过名称分配磁盘ID 更多...
INT32 | los_get_diskid_byname (const CHAR *diskName) |
| 通过名称查询使用中(STAT_INUSED)磁盘ID 更多...
los_disk * | los_get_mmcdisk_bytype (UINT8 type) |
VOID | OsSetUsbStatus (UINT32 diskID) |
| Set usb mode. 更多...
VOID | OsClearUsbStatus (UINT32 diskID) |
| Set usb mode. 更多...
static BOOL | GetDiskUsbStatus (UINT32 diskID) |
los_disk * | get_disk (INT32 id) |
| Find disk driver. 更多...
los_part * | get_part (INT32 id) |
| 获取某个分区的描述符 更多...
static UINT64 | GetFirstPartStart (const los_part *part) |
static VOID | DiskPartAddToDisk (los_disk *disk, los_part *part) |
| 磁盘增加一个分区 更多...
static VOID | DiskPartDelFromDisk (los_disk *disk, los_part *part) |
| 从磁盘上删除分区 更多...
static los_part * | DiskPartAllocate (struct Vnode *dev, UINT64 start, UINT64 count) |
| 分配一个磁盘分区,必须要有索引节点才给分配. 更多...
static VOID | DiskPartRelease (los_part *part) |
| 清空分区信息 更多...
static INT32 | DiskAddPart (los_disk *disk, UINT64 sectorStart, UINT64 sectorCount, BOOL IsValidPart) |
static INT32 | DiskDivide (los_disk *disk, struct disk_divide_info *info) |
| 磁盘分区 更多...
static CHAR | GPTPartitionTypeRecognition (const CHAR *parBuf) |
| GPT分区类型识别 更多...
static INT32 | DiskPartitionMemZalloc (size_t boundary, size_t size, CHAR **gptBuf, CHAR **partitionBuf) |
| 磁盘分区内存申请 更多...
static INT32 | GPTInfoGet (struct Vnode *blkDrv, CHAR *gptBuf) |
| 获取GPT信息,是GPT还是MBR取决于磁盘上放的内容 更多...
static INT32 | OsGPTPartitionRecognitionSub (struct disk_divide_info *info, const CHAR *partitionBuf, UINT32 *partitionCount, UINT64 partitionStart, UINT64 partitionEnd) |
| 解析GPT分区内容 更多...
static INT32 | OsGPTPartitionRecognition (struct Vnode *blkDrv, struct disk_divide_info *info, const CHAR *gptBuf, CHAR *partitionBuf, UINT32 *partitionCount) |
| 识别GPT分区内容 更多...
static INT32 | DiskGPTPartitionRecognition (struct Vnode *blkDrv, struct disk_divide_info *info) |
static INT32 | OsMBRInfoGet (struct Vnode *blkDrv, CHAR *mbrBuf) |
| 获取MBR信息,即特殊扇区信息,在MBR硬盘中,分区信息直接存储于主引导记录(MBR)中(主引导记录中还存储着系统的引导程序)。 更多...
static INT32 | OsEBRInfoGet (struct Vnode *blkDrv, const struct disk_divide_info *info, CHAR *ebrBuf, const CHAR *mbrBuf) |
static INT32 | OsPrimaryPartitionRecognition (const CHAR *mbrBuf, struct disk_divide_info *info, INT32 *extendedPos, INT32 *mbrCount) |
| 识别主分区 更多...
static INT32 | OsLogicalPartitionRecognition (struct Vnode *blkDrv, struct disk_divide_info *info, UINT32 extendedAddress, CHAR *ebrBuf, INT32 mbrCount) |
| 识别扩展分区 更多...
static INT32 | DiskPartitionRecognition (struct Vnode *blkDrv, struct disk_divide_info *info) |
| 识别磁盘分区信息 https://blog.csdn.net/Hilavergil/article/details/79270379 更多...
INT32 | DiskPartitionRegister (los_disk *disk) |
| 磁盘分区注册 更多...
static INT32 | disk_read_directly (los_disk *disk, VOID *buf, UINT64 sector, UINT32 count) |
static INT32 | disk_write_directly (los_disk *disk, const VOID *buf, UINT64 sector, UINT32 count) |
INT32 | los_disk_read (INT32 drvID, VOID *buf, UINT64 sector, UINT32 count, BOOL useRead) |
| 读磁盘数据 更多...
INT32 | los_disk_write (INT32 drvID, const VOID *buf, UINT64 sector, UINT32 count) |
| 将buf内容写到指定扇区, 更多...
INT32 | los_disk_ioctl (INT32 drvID, INT32 cmd, VOID *buf) |
| Get information of disk driver. 更多...
INT32 | los_part_read (INT32 pt, VOID *buf, UINT64 sector, UINT32 count, BOOL useRead) |
| 读分区上扇区内容 更多...
INT32 | los_part_write (INT32 pt, const VOID *buf, UINT64 sector, UINT32 count) |
| 将数据写入指定分区的指定扇区 更多...
INT32 | los_part_ioctl (INT32 pt, INT32 cmd, VOID *buf) |
| Get information of chosen partition. 更多...
INT32 | los_disk_cache_clear (INT32 drvID) |
| Clear the bcache data 更多...
static VOID | DiskCacheThreadInit (UINT32 diskID, OsBcache *bc) |
static OsBcache * | DiskCacheInit (UINT32 diskID, const struct geometry *diskInfo, struct Vnode *blkDriver) |
static VOID | DiskCacheDeinit (los_disk *disk) |
static VOID | DiskStructInit (const CHAR *diskName, INT32 diskID, const struct geometry *diskInfo, struct Vnode *blkDriver, los_disk *disk) |
| 磁盘结构体初始化,初始化 los_disk 结构体 更多...
static INT32 | DiskDivideAndPartitionRegister (struct disk_divide_info *info, los_disk *disk) |
| 磁盘分区和注册分区 更多...
static INT32 | DiskDeinit (los_disk *disk) |
| 磁盘反初始化 更多...
static UINT32 | OsDiskInitSub (const CHAR *diskName, INT32 diskID, los_disk *disk, struct geometry *diskInfo, struct Vnode *blkDriver) |
| 磁盘初始化 更多...
INT32 | los_disk_init (const CHAR *diskName, const struct block_operations *bops, VOID *priv, INT32 diskID, VOID *info) |
| 磁盘初始化 更多...
INT32 | los_disk_deinit (INT32 diskID) |
| 磁盘反初始化 更多...
INT32 | los_disk_sync (INT32 drvID) |
| 磁盘同步,同步指的是缓存同步 更多...
INT32 | los_disk_set_bcache (INT32 drvID, UINT32 sectorPerBlock, UINT32 blockNum) |
| 设置磁盘块缓存 更多...
static los_part * | OsPartFind (los_disk *disk, const struct Vnode *blkDriver) |
| 通过索引节点从磁盘中找分区信息 更多...
los_part * | los_part_find (struct Vnode *blkDriver) |
| 通过索引节点找到分区信息 更多...
INT32 | los_part_access (const CHAR *dev, mode_t mode) |
| 访问分区 更多...
INT32 | SetDiskPartName (los_part *part, const CHAR *src) |
| 设置分区名称 更多...
INT32 | add_mmc_partition (struct disk_divide_info *info, size_t sectorStart, size_t sectorCount) |
| 添加 MMC分区
MMC, 是一种闪存卡(Flash Memory Card)标准,它定义了 MMC 的架构以及访问 Flash Memory 的接口和协议。
而eMMC 则是对 MMC 的一个拓展,以满足更高标准的性能、成本、体积、稳定、易用等的需求。 更多...
VOID | show_part (los_part *part) |
| OHOS #partinfo /dev/mmcblk0p0 命令输出信息 更多...
ssize_t | StorageBlockMmcErase (uint32_t blockId, size_t secStart, size_t secNr) |
| 通过磁盘ID 擦除磁盘信息 更多...
INT32 | EraseDiskByID (UINT32 diskID, size_t startSector, UINT32 sectors) |
在文件 disk.c 中定义.