更新日期: 2022/06/01 来源: https://gitee.com/weharmony/kernel_liteos_a_note
los_task.h 文件参考



struct  UserTaskParam
struct  tagTskInitParam
struct  tagTskInfo


typedef VOID *(* TSK_ENTRY_FUNC) (UINTPTR param1, UINTPTR param2, UINTPTR param3, UINTPTR param4)
 Define the type of a task entrance function. 更多...
typedef struct tagTskInitParam TSK_INIT_PARAM_S
typedef struct tagTskInfo TSK_INFO_S


UINT32 LOS_TaskCreateOnly (UINT32 *taskID, TSK_INIT_PARAM_S *initParam)
 Create a task and suspend. 更多...
UINT32 LOS_TaskCreate (UINT32 *taskID, TSK_INIT_PARAM_S *initParam)
 Create a task. 更多...
UINT32 LOS_TaskResume (UINT32 taskID)
 Resume a task. 更多...
UINT32 LOS_TaskSuspend (UINT32 taskID)
 Suspend a task. 更多...
UINT32 LOS_TaskDelete (UINT32 taskID)
 Delete a task. 更多...
UINT32 LOS_TaskDelay (UINT32 tick)
 Delay a task. 更多...
 Lock the task scheduling. 更多...
VOID LOS_TaskUnlock (VOID)
 Unlock the task scheduling. 更多...
UINT32 LOS_TaskPriSet (UINT32 taskID, UINT16 taskPrio)
 Set a task priority. 更多...
UINT32 LOS_CurTaskPriSet (UINT16 taskPrio)
 Set the priority of the current running task to a specified priority. 更多...
UINT32 LOS_TaskYield (VOID)
 Change the scheduling sequence of tasks with the same priority. 更多...
UINT16 LOS_TaskPriGet (UINT32 taskID)
 Obtain a task priority. 更多...
 Obtain current running task ID. 更多...
UINT32 LOS_GetSystemTaskMaximum (VOID)
 Gets the maximum number of threads supported by the system. 更多...
UINT32 LOS_TaskInfoGet (UINT32 taskID, TSK_INFO_S *taskInfo)
 Obtain a task information structure. 更多...
UINT32 LOS_TaskCpuAffiSet (UINT32 uwTaskID, UINT16 usCpuAffiMask)
 Set the affinity mask of the task scheduling cpu. 更多...
UINT16 LOS_TaskCpuAffiGet (UINT32 taskID)
 Get the affinity mask of the task scheduling cpu. 更多...
INT32 LOS_GetTaskScheduler (INT32 taskID)
 Get the scheduling policy for the task. 更多...
INT32 LOS_SetTaskScheduler (INT32 taskID, UINT16 policy, UINT16 priority)
 Set the scheduling policy and priority for the task. 更多...
VOID LOS_Schedule (VOID)
 Trigger active task scheduling. 更多...
UINT32 LOS_TaskJoin (UINT32 taskID, UINTPTR *retval)
 Wait for the specified task to finish and reclaim its resources. 更多...
UINT32 LOS_TaskDetach (UINT32 taskID)
 Change the joinable attribute of the task to detach. 更多...